Sharma Yoga
chair yoga | hatha yoga | menopause yoga

Strong Element of Mindfullness
Posture Awareness and Balance
Flexibility and Balance
Breathwork and Awareness
In the west yoga is popular primarily through the physical aspect of the postures/asanas. However, Yoga is so much more, and its benefits extend well beyond the mat. Yes, it is a physical practice using the breath to move into postures with awareness, integrating breath and body movement to improve strength, balance, and flexibility. All the things we need a little more of especially as we get older!
There is also a strong element of mindfulness to the practice, increasing an awareness on what you are experiencing in the present moment, how you move, your own unique holding patterns, how you feel your abilities and limitations – challenges.
Developing and cultivating this inner enquiry and self-awareness can be really empowering. Observing how you speak to your self- are you kind or critical to yourself?
“We don’t use our body to get into a pose, we use the pose to get into our body”
Why is Yoga good for you?
Contrary to what people say…you don’t need to be flexible to do yoga and yes, it takes a lot of strength to hold your body in a balanced pose.
Yoga poses stretch your muscles, holding poses increase your strength and increase your range of motion. With regular practice, yoga can help improve not just the flexibility and strength of your muscles but also your mind and spirit.
Regular practice can enhance clarity of mind, movement and breath helps the body to naturally relax and release muscle tension and strain
So, if you’re wondering, Does yoga tone your body? The answer is yes, regularly doing yoga will sculpt a more toned body. Your muscles become strengthened and more defined while holding yoga poses that require muscle strength, leading to a more toned look. Yoga won’t transform your body all on its own, but it will help. It’s best to combine yoga with healthy eating and other types of exercise.
Yoga may help bring calm and mindfulness to your busy life, as the mind quietens this helps us to open to meditation
The feel-good vibes post yoga, may give you a feeling of being energized but calm, refreshed and balanced enabling you to cope with the challenges of everyday life
“I wanted to let you know that everything you’re doing in running your yoga clkasses makes a difference for me. Your instructions are better than anyone I’ve had in the past, you keep us interested with the variations in each practice and the breathing, Savasana and quotes are so helpful.The occassional coffee also helps us to get to know each other” - Emma B