Contact us.
0408 170 035



  • Absolutely! Yoga is for everyone regardless of your level of fitness, strength or stretch. Come as you are, and you will find with time, that regular yoga practice will help you gain more co-ordination, physical confidence, more flexibility and feel an overall sense of wellbeing

  • There is no level of fitness required to attend my yoga classes. We are all individuals with our own unique limitations, levels of fitness and postural patterns. In Yoga we do not use the body to get into a pose, we use the pose to get into the body.

  • Yes, however it is essential you let me know prior to commencement of class. If you have a significant illness or injury, please contact me first and we can discuss the best option for you.

  • Like most exercise classes it is recommended not to eat a main meal for 2-3 hours prior to class. Something light one hour before is ok.

  • In this current climate, and in the best interest of health and safety, bringing your own mat is advisable. I do have spare mats, I provide blankets, blocks and bolsters for your use and support during class. If you do use the mats and blocks, sanitizer is provided to clean items at the end of class. In the colder months, bringing a blanket to keep you warm at the end of the class is helpful.

  • Some feel comfortable in tighter active wear, and some feel comfortable in wearing, looser fitting active wear. The only thing that matters is that you wear what you feel comfortable in and you can stretch and move in with ease. Yoga is practiced bare foot so be prepared to remove your socks and shoes.

  • You can pay via the link provided on the website, alternatively you can pay when you arrive by cash or by visa card.

  • You’re welcome to just rock up at least 10 minutes prior to class commencement. However, to avoid coming to a class that may already be booked out, it is advisable to book online via the payment link on the website or contact me direct by either leaving an SMS on my mobile number or FB messenger me to book a class you want to attend.